Specifically sourced for Asia
Expertly Formulated Products By Leading Practitioners
Free Shipping from €100


Accepted Payment Methods?

We accept the following credit cards: VISA, MASTER, AMEX, UnionPay.

What to do if Payment Fails?

If you encounter issues during payment, please try the following:
  1. Try checking out with a different credit card – Each credit card may have different restrictions for international purchases, so try using another credit card.
  2. Ensure your credit card has '3D Secure' enabled – '3D Secure authentication' is an international security service introduced by card networks to prevent card fraud.
Please contact your issuing bank to confirm if '3D Secure' is enabled for your card. Once activated, you can proceed with payment.
If you have tried the above methods and still cannot complete the payment, please contact us:

How long will it take to receive the parcel after ordering?

If you choose 'Standard International Parcel' shipping, your parcel will be delivered to the specified address within 7-10 business days after ordering.
If you choose 'Express International Parcel' shipping, your parcel will be delivered to the specified address within 2-3 business days after ordering.
When the goods are shipped, you will receive an email notification from the logistics provider, and you can track the delivery progress through the link provided in the email.

Can I cancel my order after placing it?

You can cancel your order before the parcel is shipped; however, once the goods are shipped from our warehouse, we regret that we cannot cancel the order due to international shipping constraints.

Can I change my email address after setting up an account?

You cannot change your email address on your own. If you need to make changes, please contact our customer service email:

Will my parcel be taxed by customs?

Goods imported into Taiwan may be subject to customs duties. If taxed, customs will notify you and provide instructions for payment. Please follow the customs instructions to successfully obtain the goods. Taiwanese law stipulates a tax-free threshold of NT$2000 for imported parcels, and the tax rate for health-related products usually ranges from 8% to 10%. This information is for reference only; for details, please refer to government-related websites.
Goods and Services Tax (GST) Since 1 January 2023, imported goods that are valued at more than S$400 are subject to an 8% GST fee, which is paid to the Singapore tax department.
If you encounter difficulties in obtaining the goods due to documentation or related issues, please contact us, and we will provide assistance as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Please fill out our customer service form or contact us via this email: