Optimal Adrenal - 90 Capsules | Seeking Health
Optimal Adrenal - 90 Capsules | Seeking Health
Seeking Health Optimal Adrenal - 90 Capsules | Seeking Health Discontinued.Optimal Adrenal by Seeking Health provides a complex of 14 pure nutrients for optimal adrenal support, including vitamin c, zinc, and pantothenic acid (vitamin B5).The rest of the powerful ingredients are a variety of plant extracts and herbal support which may help to maintain a healthy immune response, mood, and healthy stress levels. Constant stress can deplete the adrenal glands, which in turn may disrupt energy production and healthy nervous system function. Optimal Adrenal may support the body's healthy response to stress and help promote a sense of calmness and balance.Pantothenic acid is an essential part of the body's ability to produce certain stress hormones. It is believed that when the body is required to produce these hormones in response to prolonged periods of stress, the body becomes depleted of this important B vitamin and its stores must be replenished.Ashwagandha, also known as winter cherry, is a herb that has been used to promote vitality, longevity, and energy in Ayurvedic medicine. The active compounds in ashwagandha provide a wide range of benefits and may help support healthy immune function, healthy mood, balanced stress levels, and normal thyroid function. These compounds, known as withanolides, may help support the body's natural ability to withstand stress.Siberian ginseng and Rhodiola root are traditionally used in Russia and Scandinavian countries as "adaptogens," or compounds that may help support the body's healthy stress response. These herbs may help support energy levels and a feeling of focus or clarity, without causing overstimulation.Cordyceps is a fungus closely related to mushrooms that contains polysaccharides thought to help support healthy, sustained energy levels and cellular health.


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