益生菌(200億活菌)- 30粒膠囊 | Mother Earth Labs
益生菌(200億活菌)- 30粒膠囊 | Mother Earth Labs
益生菌(200億活菌)- 30粒膠囊 | Mother Earth Labs
益生菌(200億活菌)- 30粒膠囊 | Mother Earth Labs
Mother Earth Labs Inc 益生菌(200億活菌)- 30粒膠囊 | Mother Earth Labs Stabilized Probiotic Blend supporting ideal Gut Health, 20 Billion CFUs, with 9 Clinically Studied StrainsMother Earth Labs Probiotics is specifically designed to survive stomach acid so it can go to work colonizing and thriving in your gut, supporting a healthy balance in the gut microbiome. This restores optimal balance, addressing GI symptoms such as gas, bloating, and constipation to bring about an overall sense of well-being.Gut Harmony Restored: say goodbye to bloating and discomfort as Mother Earth Labs Probiotics rebalances your gut flora.Immunity Fortified: Arm your body against illness with a fortified immune system, thanks to a healthier gut.Energy Amplified: Experience newfound vitality as your body absorbs nutrients more efficiently.Mood Magic Unleashed: Say hello to a happier you as your gut-brain connection thrives.Your Skin’s Secret Weapon: Watch your skin glow as your gut health transforms from the inside out.
$1,003.00 $1,114.00


+3 more

<table align='center' border='1' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0'> <tbody> <tr align='left' valign='top'> <td colspan='3'><strong>營養資訊</strong></td> </tr> <tr align='left' valign='top'> <td colspan='3'><strong>份量:</strong>&nbsp;1膠囊</td> </tr> <tr align='left' valign='top'> <td colspan='3'><strong>每份份量中的含量:</strong>&nbsp;30</td> </tr> <tr align='left' valign='top'> <td width='70%'>&nbsp;</td> <td width='15%'>每份含量</td> <td width='15%'>%每日值</td> </tr> <tr align='left' valign='top'> <td><strong>專有嘌呤桿菌混合物(100億CFU)</strong></td> <td>40 毫克</td> <td>*</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='3'>嘌呤桿菌拉拖思 Bl-04</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='3'>嘌呤桿菌布里夫 Bb-03</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='3'>嘌呤桿菌彬菲敦 Bb-02</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='3'>嘌呤桿菌隆貓 Bl-05</td> </tr> <tr> <td><strong>專有乳酸桿菌混合物(100億CFU)</strong></td> <td>51 毫克</td> <td>*</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='3'>乳酸桿菌拉西多芬 La-14</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='3'>乳酸桿菌拉姆蘇斯 Lr-32</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='3'>乳酸桿菌普蘭特魯姆 Lp-115</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='3'>乳酸桿菌薩李瓦 Ls-33</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan='3'>乳酸桿菌布加利庫斯 Lb-87</td> </tr> <tr> <td>拉氏木多糖(FiberAid)</td> <td>25 毫克</td> <td>*</td> </tr> <tr> <td>低聚果糖(FOS)</td> <td>25 毫克</td> <td>*</td> </tr> <tr align='left' valign='top'> <td colspan='3'>* 每日值未建立</td> </tr> </tbody></table><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>其他成分:</strong>&nbsp;纖維素、素食膠囊(改質纖維素、水)、二氧化矽、硬脂酸鎂、矽酸鈣。</p><p><strong>不含:</strong>&nbsp;鹽、乳製品、小麥、麩質、防腐劑、人工色素或調味劑。</p>