酵母適時 - 28塞劑 | Vitanica
酵母適時 - 28塞劑 | Vitanica
Vitanica 酵母適時 - 28塞劑 | Vitanica Yeast Arrest® is a suppository that has been formulated using a homeopathic blend of ingredients.- May help to relieve symptoms of vaginal yeast infections, such as itching, burning, and discharge*- May have a soothing effect and help to calm internal and external irritation*- Unique suppository featuring active homeopathic ingredients with other natural inactive ingredients- Free of parabensSuggested use is 1 suppository in the morning and 1 in the evening for 3-7 days. For chronic or recurring infections, 1 suppository twice daily for 2-4 weeks. For prevention, 1 suppository daily, at bedtime, during menses, for 4 consecutive months.*Disclaimer: There is no scientific evidence that the product works and the product’s claims are based only on theories of homeopathy from the 1700s that are not accepted by most modern medical experts.


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<p><strong>活性成分:&nbsp;</strong></p><p>順勢療法:</p><p>柏樹藥 3x* HPUS** (山葡萄)</p><p>硼砂 2x* HPUS** (硼酸鈉)</p><p>墨魚汁 6x* HPUS** (墨魚汁)</p><p>煤焦油 10x* HPUS** (煤焦油)</p><p><strong>非活性成分:&nbsp;</strong>硼酸、可可脂、酸奶乳酸桿菌、楝樹油、俄勒岡葡萄根、茶樹精油、植物油甘油三酯、維生素E</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
<p><strong>警告:</strong></p><p>如果這是你第一次出現陰道瘙癢和不適,請諮詢醫生。如果你之前曾經被醫生診斷患有陰道酵母感染並且現在有相同症狀,請按照指示使用這些栓劑。如果你有以下情況,請勿使用本產品:</p><ul> <li>你正在經歷腹部或盆腔疼痛、發燒或綠色惡臭的分泌物;你有比陰道酵母感染更嚴重的情況。立即諮詢你的醫師。</li> <li>使用本產品後症狀持續復發 - 請諮詢你的醫師。</li> <li>你懷孕了。</li> <li>如果在哺乳,請在使用前諮詢你的醫師。</li> <li>本產品不安全使用於乳膠。</li></ul>