Body Bio

酪酸ナトリウム- 60カプセル | Body Bio

酪酸ナトリウム- 60カプセル | Body Bio
酪酸ナトリウム- 60カプセル | Body Bio
酪酸ナトリウム- 60カプセル | Body Bio
酪酸ナトリウム- 60カプセル | Body Bio
酪酸ナトリウム- 60カプセル | Body Bio
酪酸ナトリウム- 60カプセル | Body Bio
酪酸ナトリウム- 60カプセル | Body Bio
酪酸ナトリウム- 60カプセル | Body Bio

Body Bio

酪酸ナトリウム- 60カプセル | Body Bio

0 各レビュー


  • 腸内健康の向上: 栄養の吸収を改善し、透過性を低下させるために腸壁を活性化します。
  • 全身の健康: 炎症反応を促進し、脳機能を高め、免疫の健康を調整します。
  • 細胞の活力: バランスの取れた血糖値をサポートし、健康なDNAと細胞機能を促進します。
  • $999.00

    Butyrate: Your #1 Gut Health Postbiotic

    Simply put, butyrate is an essential end product of a healthy microbiome. 

    Your gut bacteria make butyrate first and foremost to fuel and energize the gut lining, which allows the gut to easily absorb nutrients into the bloodstream while combating permeability, keeping waste and toxins out of the bloodstream — and then move everything right along to be *ahem* disposed of. (Bye, constipation!)

    But that’s not the whole story — butyrate is an effective gut health supplement with full-body benefits. It’s also backed by over 5000 scientific studies, including human clinical trials.

    When butyrate is absorbed into the bloodstream, it quickly goes to work throughout the body. 

    It supports a healthy inflammation response, protecting the body from disease while regulating immune function.* 

    It helps balance insulin and blood sugar levels.* 

    It clears brain fog and boosts brain function.* 

    It supports healthy DNA and cell differentiation, our cells’ ability to change into a specific type like a heart cell or a kidney cell.* 

    All very important stuff, running life on a cellular level.

    The thing is, most of us aren’t making enough butyrate naturally. Some people may hardly have any butyrate-producing bacteria in their gut due to low fiber intake or repeated antibiotic use. And these days, it's easy for the body to use up butyrate quickly, trying to calm inflammation, fighting off hundreds of toxins and pollutants in our environment, keeping the microbiome from going rogue, and holding the gut together. 

    This is why we developed BodyBio Butyrate — a simple formulation (butyric acid + minerals) to protect your gut at the cellular level.

    1回の摂取量: 2カプセル
    1容器あたりの摂取回数: 30(60 ct.); 50(100 ct.)
    1回あたりの量 %RI*
    カロリー 9.3
    全脂肪 1.3 g 2%
    ナトリウム 313.3 mg 13%
    酪酸 1.2 g
    † 基準摂取量は設定されていません。







    1-2 カプセルを食事と一緒に、医療専門家の指示にない限り服用してください。


    Dairy,Gluten,Soy,and Artificial Colors


    Gluten Free,Vegans,NON-GMO

    Butyrate: Your #1 Gut Health Postbiotic

    Simply put, butyrate is an essential end product of a healthy microbiome. 

    Your gut bacteria make butyrate first and foremost to fuel and energize the gut lining, which allows the gut to easily absorb nutrients into the bloodstream while combating permeability, keeping waste and toxins out of the bloodstream — and then move everything right along to be *ahem* disposed of. (Bye, constipation!)

    But that’s not the whole story — butyrate is an effective gut health supplement with full-body benefits. It’s also backed by over 5000 scientific studies, including human clinical trials.

    When butyrate is absorbed into the bloodstream, it quickly goes to work throughout the body. 

    It supports a healthy inflammation response, protecting the body from disease while regulating immune function.* 

    It helps balance insulin and blood sugar levels.* 

    It clears brain fog and boosts brain function.* 

    It supports healthy DNA and cell differentiation, our cells’ ability to change into a specific type like a heart cell or a kidney cell.* 

    All very important stuff, running life on a cellular level.

    The thing is, most of us aren’t making enough butyrate naturally. Some people may hardly have any butyrate-producing bacteria in their gut due to low fiber intake or repeated antibiotic use. And these days, it's easy for the body to use up butyrate quickly, trying to calm inflammation, fighting off hundreds of toxins and pollutants in our environment, keeping the microbiome from going rogue, and holding the gut together. 

    This is why we developed BodyBio Butyrate — a simple formulation (butyric acid + minerals) to protect your gut at the cellular level.

    • 酪酸ナトリウム- 60カプセル | Body Bio


    • +
    • カルシウムマグネシウムブチレート-250カプセル | Body Bio



    酪酸ナトリウム- 60カプセル | Body Bio
    酪酸ナトリウム- 60カプセル | Body Bio

    酪酸ナトリウム- 60カプセル | Body Bio





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